Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day Jitters....Buh-Bye!

Yes.... I thought this day would NEVER come any faster! BUT it unfortunately has! My Micah Boo has OFFICIALLY started Pre-School!!!! He was having jitters last night & would NOT go to sleep!!! He was sooo trying not to go to school in the morning!
        However this morning was a DIFFERENT story! He was soooo excited to get up! He was so funny, Isaiah & Jonah has to get dropped off at 8:00 so that I can take Micah to his school (literally blocks away from his brother's school) since he started at 8:15am & I knew these first couple of days were going to take a long time so he can get used to! When my Hubby went to take the older two, Micah was crying bc he wanted to go with them ;( Don't you worry Sweets! You'll be there next year & the next 5 years over there! lol

As we  made our way to his class, he was stuck like glue by my side! I was surprised he hasn't cried yet. But I kept encouraging him & telling him he was going to have so much fun & he's going to make new friends! I sat w him on the mat & asked him to get a book so we can start reading a book together.

 Here he is cracking a smile for me while I'm trying to think of how I am going to leave un-noticed!

Gettin' all shy on me right now... He's totally EYE-ING my every move by now ;)

As I was getting shoo-ed out by the teachers, I can already see the water works are beginning to fill up as I make my way out the door :(

But when I picked this guy up at 12:00pm....

He was ALL SMILES!!!!

He even wanted to take a picture with his new teacher! Mrs. Miroslava... You should hear how he pronounces her name!!! CUTE! He will even correct you if you say it wrong!!! :-)

I knew you were going to have a great first day Babe!!! Bye Bye to first day jitters!!! Because this son of mine is a Big Boy now :)

This picture really shows his character & how goofy this one is :)

Here's to a great 1st year of school Micah & many many more memorable sweet years to come!
I Love You Babe xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hey she moved! She was the pre K teacher for everyone last year and the year before! Good Job Micah Man!
