Wednesday, July 30, 2014

1 month milestone....

Im not gonna lie... The first few days & weeks were very very difficult with this being my first time breastfeeding FULL time! I was sleep deprived, I barely ate, I felt like I nevew saw my family & I was always tired. And it felt like I was breastfeeding EVERY minute of the day!!! Lol 
As soon as I got the hang of it, my days were getting brighter. I felt comfortable with my bf positions, I was noticing her times of eating & I was so happy to see pee & poop diapers which was a good sign she's eating well :) 
Before we knew it, a month rolled by...

2 Months... I can't believe it!

I cannot believe she's 2 months!!! 

-She looooves to be talked & sang too 
-She's a Mommys Girl 
-She currently wears size 2 diapers
-She wears 3-6 months onesies 
-3 months pjs fit perfectly. Im pretty sure by next month she'll probably be 3-6 months lol 
-12 pounds 
-23 inches 
-makes bubbles with her saliva 
-sucks on her fingers
-sleeps through the night 
-she looooves taking baths 
-sleeps on her back 

We are enjoying every smile, every coo, every yawn & every diaper change! 

Looove my girl,