Friday, October 28, 2011

Photo Challenge #10

Oh Photo Challenge, how u have neglected you :-(
I'm soooo sorry!!!

Now on to photo challenge #10,
The Things I do the most messed up things with...
Where or where do I even begin???

2 words: UNGA GIRLS

Once you get us ALL in the same room or building, it's about to go DIZZZZ-OWN!!!! lol

We've all been there for each other one way or another. We've seen each other at our lowest times, happy times & most importantly FUN TIMES!!!

I love when we are all chillin in the same room & we are ALL literally LAUGHING THE WHOLE TIME!!!!

We all share this special bond that we each carry in our hearts within us. Maybe it's bc we were raised as sisters growing up. Like literally!
I'm just grateful that we have shared so many memories together & more future ones to come.

I still can't believe how 'grown up' we all are! It just seems like yesterday we were growing up at my Grandpa's house, playing in our only playground, our backyard, & literally get into everything & anything! And cleaning & massaging my Grandpa for like 4 bite size Snickers or a handful of sour worms. It seemed like yesterday we were all in Youth/Young Women together, making a grand entrance to every youth dance, fireside & church function bc there was so many of us!
Those were some great times!

Now slowly one by one, we're all married & expanding our own families with mini-me's running around. I'm just glad we're still close enough that our children are able to be as close just as we are!


Each of us are uniquely different.

Every girl is somewhat alike.

Every girl has a story.

But when we all come together in bunches or one by one, we just pick up where we left off with each other.



1 comment:

  1. i absolutely feel the same way. I love our bond. Nothing else can compare to what we have.

    i had such a LOOOONG entry and I actually deleted it cause it was way too much! lol I might as well write a book hehe Love this blog, Love you and LOOOOOOOOVE my UNGA GIRLS!!!!
