Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just A Simple Phone Call....

I had a missed call last night around 11pm under 'unknown.' I literally just missed it & eagerly waited for a voicemail to see who it was..... But nothing.
Then this evening at 5:23pm, I get an unknown call again. I figured if it was the same person, I guess I should answer.

Sooo glad I did :-)

It was my first cousin, Sione Akoula on my Mom's side, (our Moms are sisters) calling from New Zealand. I had never met him before along with ALL my first cousins on my Mom's side but I only was fortunate to meet just a handful of them.
It's just amazing to me on what a PHONE CALL can actually do. It can connect something that has never met before & it can also be the ONLY thing that can keep us connected.
I can hear my Mom's sister, Ana, on the other end asking questions in Tongan as he translates it in English for me.
Even though I have no idea who he Sione is, I just feel so close to him knowing his Mom is my Mom's older sister.
We spoke about our little families, switching updates on both ends of the phone. He spoke English very very well considering Tongan is his primary language. There was one point where he asked me to speak Tongan, & ashamed & embarrassed as I was, I just told him I couldn't. He quickly laughed & brushed it off on to the next subject.
I can still remember the early morning my Mom passed away. My Mom's sisters on the phone on the other end franticly crying & sobbing. They kept saying we wish we were there to watch over all of you guys & take care of you guys. Just sharing they're pain & wishing they were able to come was such a sad moment. I know they had the same love for us as much as my Mom has for us.
So to hear from Sione was an emotional yet happy feeling. Being that I don't know my Mom's side too well, I will take every chance I get to knowing who they are & build an everlasting relationship that will be near & dear to my Heart.
I know my Mom will be so proud & I just wish she were here with every breath I take. Taking that phone call made me MISS HER even more...

Is there such thing?

Towards the end of our convo, I hear the operator say he had 1 more minute... We quickly sadly said our goodbyes. I was grateful they spent some money on a calling card just to call & say Hi. It's the little things I learn to appreciate & love.


Even if it's just a phone call...


  1. I'm so glad you picked up too. So your mom is from New Zealand? Now you have a great excuse to vacation there someday.

  2. Hi beautiful :) no my Mom is from Tonga. Her sister's son lives in NZ :) as much as I would love to visit the Islands, I'm honestly still afraid to fly :( you'd think I'd be used to it since my Dad has worked for the airlines ALL my life, but nope! I still get anxiety attacks on thr plane!! Lol
