Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It is Time to Buckle Down & Get Things In Crystal Clear FOCUS....

Whether I admit to myself or not, I have a big issue w 'Time Management!'

I just sometimes feel like whenever the day ends, I feel like I could've used up my TIME slot more productively. I feel sometimes as if I am feeling Deja vu everyday & I need to do more.

My Hubby & I just got back from Fresno, Ca (about a 3 hour drive) for a business convention. We usually have one every 3-4 months. This time was the very first time in CA!!!!! We were just ecstatic bc usually it's on the mid-west/east coast bc the numbers of the attendees are greater than here :-) so that can only mean 1thing: CA is growing!!!!! Were excited about the LIFE pre-launch we got see & layout for us!!! We are just so fired up @ all the great things that have been happening & even greater things that are about to explode = $$$$$ :-)

So I feel like I need to help change/improve myself inorder to help & serve others so I'm relatable & teachable :-)

I was advised by my amazing mentor to read 'Eat That Frog' to help me overcome my time management hurdle. I just started last night & I love this book!!!!!

I have already set some goals (faith, family, fitness, fun, finance) for myself that HAD to be written down! A goal not written down is easily just wishful thinking or just a fantasy.

I'm excited to start purposeful new habits that will be beneficial for me in the longrun & not just for the present! I'm a work in progress & I should always be a student just striving to help/improve myself. No matter how old I get. I can't wait for things to slowly fall into place when everything is alligns perfectly!!!

So here cheers to a new & improved ME :-)

Here are some things to help me along this fun new journey!!!!

1 comment:

  1. such a mature and wise goal to set out and accomplish, i'm inspired :)
