Thursday, June 2, 2011

If I Had One Wish....

My Sweet Loves!
     Yes it's been a long sweet while, but yet we are reunited once again!!! You already know I have missed you oh so much!!!! As usual, when you leave for a long period of time, I need to re-cap on such family events ;-) However, that will be in the next post! It will be sort of a "catch-up" date with you!

   Just lately I've been missing my Sweet Mother. As I miss her everyday, but just in these past weeks, it's more of a yearning or longing for her. Gosh, if I had one wish I would wish to hear her angelic voice. I wish I can seek her counsel when I am stuck at a crossroads asking, "Mom what would you do if you were me?" I wish we can  have those long heart to heart talks. I wish she were still alive so whenever me &  my kids want to get away or if me & my Hubby have an arguement, we can crash at Grandma's house knowing we're welcomed there with open arms. I wish I can hug her. I wish I can run errands with her just me & you Mom & have "girl talk." I wish my kids are able to build an inseperable relationship where they cry for you more than me or Leka.

    I have many wishes & dreams if I were ever given one. But in the end, you were called for a greater purpose on the other side. Even though I may not agree of you passing so early for me, I know it's all part of His plan that I will soon understand one day.

Until then, I hope to see you in my dreams.... <3  <3 <3 <3


Mother's Day 2011~ I LOVE this picture of Micah & I. I can see myself in Micah when I was a young girl & just the expression says it all on now much I love my very own Mother~