Yup! That girl right up there is 5 months!!!!
I decided to dress her up in her costume for her 5 month picture since it is October & how cute is my very own life size chocolate cupcake :-)
At 5 months she can:
• start to roll over (if she doesn't give up & cry! Lol)
•laught very very easily
•lay on her back for a long period of time on her Lion King Activity playmat
•loves her saucer & stays in there after feedings or when I need to do things around the house
•notices Mommy & cries when Im out of HER sight
•sit up with support & sometimes by herself
•wears size 4 in Pampers Cruisers
•eat baby food (sweet potatoes, carrots, peaches, apples & banana. She breaks out in a rash if she eats squash) cannot wait to purchase a baby bullet soon!!!
•eats baby food twice a day (morning & late afternoon/evening)
•grabs things in front her (careful she's quick!)
•pulls the heck outta your back of head hairs (ouch!)
•pinches randomly
•has a tight grip
•watches you EAT literally... If your mouth is chewing shes looking at what you are munching/drinking on
•her left hand is her strong hand
•gets up at night often for a diaper change or a feeding (no more sleep through the nights :-( she's too hungry lol
•doesn't care for TV no matter how hard I try to put on Disney channel lol
•Loves to stand when being held & doesn't like to sit
•knaws at her gums (I think I see teeth through those gums!)
Aaaaaaand THE SF GIANTS BEAT THE KC ROYALS 3-2 & WON the WORLD SERIES!!!!! 3rd time in 5 years!!!!!
Such an intense great game!!!!!!
#bumgarner #sandavol
Pitchers were on FIIIIIYAAAAH tonite!